UDPS Whistleblowing Policy
Upstream Downstream Process & Services Sdn. Bhd. (UDPS) is committed to the highest
standard of integrity and accountability in the conduct of its businesses and operations.
UDPS is also bounded with the Shariah Compliance based Management System.
Its outlines the principles and procedure established to promote and nurture ethical
behavior, ensure to law compliance and maintain transparency within the organization.
The policy aims to provide a clear framework for individuals to raise concerns about
issues such as fraud, corruption, safety violations, or other misconduct that may harm
the organization, employees, or the public.
This is to provide an avenue and encourage employees, contractors, suppliers, clients
and stakeholders to disclose improper conduct within UDPS business and operation
without fear of retaliation.
This policy aimed to safeguard the integrity of the organization, foster a safe and fair
working environment, and ensure that any concerns or issues are addressed in a timely
and appropriate manner.
This policy facilitates employees and members of the public to disclose any improper
conduct (misconduct or criminal offence) through internal channel. Improper conduct
includes the following:
- Fraud
- Bribery
- Misuse of Company’s property
- Conflict of Interest
- Abuse of power
- Non-compliance with procedure
- Any other general malpractice including Security, Health & Safety risks
The above list is not exhaustive and includes any acts or omissions, which is proven, will
constitute an act of misconduct under the Company’s Code of Conduct or any criminal
offences under the relevant legislations in force.
Making a disclosure
Disclosure can be made to the following reporting channel :
- Email to hra@udps.com.my
- Direct line at 09-8582753
- Report form submission to HRA (Appendix 1)
Any disclosure made should contain the following information :
- Details of the persons involve
- Details of allegation
- Other relevant information and supporting evidence if any
The whistle blower is responsible to ensure, the disclosure is made in good faith and free
from malicious intent.
The whistle blower shall made in writing if he/she wish to withdraw his/her disclosure to
the reporting channel.
The company reserves the right for the investigation to be made further.
Whistleblower Protection
A whistle blower who disclosing any improper conduct will be accorded with protection of
confidentiality of his/her identity to avoid against any adverse and detrimental for the
disclosing actions. Unless the disclosure is made in good faith.
Anonymous whistleblower
A whistle blower may remain anonymous. However, the company reserves the right for
generally not entertaining the disclosed improper misconduct by the anonymous whistle
The whistle blower can expect his/her report will be investigated seriously, fairly and
promptly. The whistle blower may expect to be notified the outcome of the procedure